


Living life with the painful experience of pile, which is also called Hemorrhoids, can be very uncomfortable and frustrating. And this condition affects between 20% and 50% of the population, especially those over the age of 40.


This new article explores piles, their causes, how to diagnose, grade, and THE PERFECT  ,TESTED AND TRUSTED PRODUCT TO treat them, and what effects they might have on the body.


You will discover a proven and tested solution developed in India to treat Hemorrhoids or piles. You will also understand why lifestyle change and those medications you have been given does not offer lasting solution to pile. (You just have to read to the end).


This Is Amazing


I was so desperate going on for months dealing with pain and bleeding from going to the bathroom. I swear felt like PTSD I would get all tensed up did not want to go because I knew it was going to hurt. Sounds kinda funny about the PTSD but its true I would grab the side of the sink just to squeeze down no joke It terrified me having to go because I knew what was going to happen. Iv tried Miralax wouldnt work that good. I was told to get the chewy dulcolax that actually worked some but was told by my doctor that this is actually not that good for you. Your body will get to reliant on this and its not good so I stopped and back at square one. I was looking up on here stool softeners found one thing but then I decided to just search hemorrhoid relief and OMG YES! Came across this read the reviews seemed like this would work for me. I ordered it got here yesterday, at this point I have not gone in two days and im freaking out. I took one pill last night, took pills this morning like 3 hours ago and was able to go and NO PAIN! NO BLOOD! Yes this was coming on day 3 of not going to bathroom this works this good!!! I will use this rest of my life.

Mrs. Angela Hummel

Wonderful Product



Linda Gorman

What are Piles or Hemorrhoids?

PILE / Hemorrhoids tissues are clusters of vascular tissue, smooth muscle, and connective tissue, arranged in three columns along the anal canal — which is the final four centimeters of the digestive tract, stretching from the rectum to the anus.

PILE/Hemorrhoids tissues, in their normal resting state, are filled with blood and they help keep some control of our gas, our bowel movements.


However, they can develop a problem like every other body part and when this happens, piles surface. And these piles are swollen veins in the lower anus and rectum. When swelling occurs, tissues began to grow around the anus in various sizes and locations and this causes great discomfort such as itchiness in the anus.

Based on a research done by HD Treatment Center (North Carolina 2017), 25% of people who develop PILE/hemorrhoids are women while 15% are men. And it is important to note that PILE/hemorrhoids comes in different types:


  • Internal PILE/Hemorrhoid which are not seen with the naked eyes but whose presence is marked with the symptom of bleeding through the anus.


  • Prolapsed PILE/Hemorrhoid which is when Internal Hemorrhoids swells and sticks outside your anus. These lumps cause discomfort or pain along with itchiness and burning.


  • External PILE/Hemorrhoid which are small lumps found in the outer lining of the anus. They are very itchy and can become painful if a blood clot develops, that is, the small lumps become blood clots. External PILE/Hemorrhoids can be very painful when they become thrombosed.


Many people overlook the early warning signs of PILE/hemorrhoids, settling for hot water instead or pain relievers — until it becomes an emergency and leads to surgery.


Viral research studies shows that sitting on hot water has no significant effect on shrinking pile completely. Surgery, which is a painful process of cutting the pile, will eventually leave a scar in your anus without guarantee of permanent solution.


In addition, surgeries for PILE/hemorrhoids most times cause urinary retention which affect 30–50% of patients.


The big question is: Why go through these pains when there is an easier way out that has been proven to be effective?


In 2015, a team of medical researchers in All India Institute of Medical Sciences led a research to discover a solution for anal or rectal problems

and this solution has now been widely accepted in European countries after its major success in treating internal and external PILE/hemorrhoids naturally.


Over one million patients have recovered fully from pile and the treatment has now been transferred to West Africa to help people battling with pile.


Mrs Medina Doku story, how she struggled with pile while being pregnant and how she finally got healed using this proven India organic pile formulation.


If you are currently suffering from pile then you should read to end to discover the best treatment that will shrink those piles completely so that they never surface again.



My name is Medina Doku. I’m a 43-year-old school teacher when I developed PILE/hemorrhoid pile. I was pregnant with my first and only child. I have been married for 25 years with no child and when I finally got pregnant, I got into another frustrating experience which was the pile in my anus.


It began with pain when stooling and it graduated to different sizes of painful inflamed lumps forming around my anus.


At first, I didn’t pay attention to it because I thought it was one of the issues that happened to a pregnant woman so I took the advice of a friend and began to sit on hot water. According to her, the heat from the water would heal me down there and everything would be over before I knew it.


But it didn’t work that way. Rather, it got even more painful. Going to toilet was plain torture and cleaning up after using the toilet was traumatic.


I could not sit down properly and I was always scratching my butt because it was so itchy. Almost every time, I would have to excuse myself from the classroom or the staff room to go to the toilet to scratch.


Even with all this, I still didn’t think this was a serious case because the internet said it was not dangerous and could be healed by simple diet change and lifestyle change. 


I got ointments from the pharmacy and stool softener to ease excretion but nothing worked. It seemed like the more I tried, the more the pain and inflammation continued. I changed my diet, took only fruits but the lumps were still there and the itchiness increased.


I went ahead to buy some Aloe Vera when the ointments didn’t deliver results. It was recommended I rub the gel around my anus morning and night but this was only more frustrating because the itch multiplied overtime.


My stability and performance at school reduced drastically because I could not concentrate or even teach well, at the same time, I was heavily pregnant so everything was just so overwhelming. Whenever I was out in the public, I would always excuse myself to go scratch in the toilet.


Just when I should be happy about being pregnant after 25 years of waiting, I was dealing with a painful disease that made me uncomfortable all the time. I didn’t know if the pregnancy was a curse or a blessing anymore.


My excreta became bloody accompanied with severe rectal pain that when I go to defecate, I bleed. The bleeding was always bright red coupled with slimy mucus.


The situation became an obvious abnormality and required instant medical intervention. The doctor carried out a physical examination around my anus.


Medical reports showed I had stage IV internal and external hemorrhoids. According to her, people mostly had internal hemorrhoids or external hemorrhoids but I had both. This means that I had swollen lumps both inside my rectum and outside the anus.


Doctor confirmed it was hormonal imbalance that’s traced to late pregnancy in women – some hormones make your veins relax and there is increased pressure on the pelvis. She added that piles are common during pregnancy and usually resolve after the baby was born.


Further test reports indicated hemorrhoids are part of one’s aging process since the hemorrhoid tissues themselves are getting loose – being pregnant at 43 was a major contributing factor.


“But not to worry, piles resolve on their own within 6 to 12 weeks after delivery.” – doctor concluded.


She prescribed some corticosteroid creams and ointment to be rubbed around the area to reduce inflammation, painkillers and some vegetables was recommended as my dietary plans.


 The itchiness, difficulty in excretion and excessive bleeding continued. I had lost two pints of blood in 4 weeks, I got compulsory medical leave from the office   — I thought it was miscarriage.


After examination,  the doctor suggested hemorrhoidectomy (surgery after pregnancy), to truncate  the hemorrhoid tissues. The lumps were diagnosed to be inflamed and too filled with blood both inside the rectum and around my anus – so surgery was the logical option because if they burst, It could cost my life so I needed urgent surgery.


According to her, when hemorrhoids become problematic by not functioning in the normal way just as I was experiencing, some medical intervention was needed and since none of the ointments and medicine she had given had worked, hemorrhoidectomy was the best option to get rid of the internal and external hemorrhoids.


I was scheduled for old-fashioned scalpel surgery to cut out the hemorrhoid all the way down to its base so the blood vessel on the disease tissue can be


taken out after which it would be stitched up with suture material but that was just about it – I had a miraculous intervention.


A childhood friend (Ngeh Janet) who left the country for India was in town for summer break so she reached out to me – I was uneased and she noticed something was wrong so I narrated my pile ordeal to her.

“Treating pile isn’t so difficult” – Jane concluded. I asked her what she meant by that and she told me about this doctor she once worked with and how she specializes in treating any form of anal or rectal disorder including PILE/hemorrhoids. She told me how the doctor led a research of one of the leading rectal experts in India and how it has been helping over 5000 people in Africa.

Dr. Mira Anjali is a Medical Researcher, Fertility Health Consultant, and Colorectal expert who is on a mission to help people beat all forms of rectal problems especially in Africa.


She is one of the lead researchers in an India Based Pharmaceutical Distribution company and one of her studies became the highest-cited paper of 2019 in the high-impact Journal of Clinical Investigation.


Dr. Mira is part of the Institute for hemorrhoid Research where a world-renowned team of scientists and clinicians gather to understand the causes and treatments of rectal problems such as PILE/hemorrhoids.


After listening to all these about this doctor who has done so much, I became hopeful once again. I was convinced and willing to try this one time and I pleaded with Rhoda to help me get to Dr. Mira Anjali.

 After contacting Dr. Mira and telling her I was from Rhoda, we talked at length and she assured me that Ultra Pile Care was the solution to my problem.


She prescribed a dosage of 3 bottles and 2 ultra pile express powder for my complete treatment. I could not afford the shipping and handling fee but my friend (Ngeh Janet) was kind enough to help me complete the money I and my husband were able to raise.


The consignment arrived within 3 days and I immediately started the treatment. Ultra pile care comes in a combination of liquid and powdered herbal formula with easy consumption.


Significant result started 6 weeks into the treatment, I noticed that the swollen lumps were shrinking and the excessive bleeding had stopped but I didn’t rejoice yet because of what happened with the initial ointment. I wanted to be very sure before rejoicing.


9 days later, the lumps deflated completely and the itch was gone. I could use the toilet with ease and also clean up properly. Rather than lie down most of the time, I could sit well even when I was heavily pregnant.


I continued the treatment till my postnatal, by then, the lumps were completely healed and dried up leaving almost no traces. Everything looked normal down there as though nothing had happened.


This was surprising because I was told that skin tags on the pile would still remain around the anal area even after the pile had shrinked but ULTRA PILE CARE treated the piles so well that they disappeared and there was no sign of them.


When we decided to return to the hospital to get a proper examination, the doctor was amazed by how my internal and external PILE/hemorrhoids disappeared within 73 days using an active herbal solution. There were no hemorrhoid related complications too.


Ultra Pile Care marked the end of my PILE/hemorrhoid suffering. Till this day, I had never had any symptoms pertaining to PILE/hemorrhoids. I use the toilet at ease without any pain or bleeding and I can sit well without writhing.


The herbal formulation liberated me from all toilet discomfort, pain and difficulties associated with hemorrhoids, all thanks to Dr. Mira Anjali, My friend, Rhoda, and this effective ULTRA PILE CARE.


My experience became a pacesetter in Africa. They established three major branch offices in Africa: Ghana, Cameroon and Nigeria enabling easy access for those battling with anal or rectal problems especially hemorrhoids.


Not only does Ultra Pile Care reverse shrink pile, it also aids the digestive system, controls your bowel movement, and prevents abnormalities such as constipation, diarrhea, and bowel incontinence. All which have been studied to be the premium causes of pile.


Ultra Pile Care also promotes healthy blood flow and strong veins, especially in the blood vessels around the anus and rectum.


With the introduction of this Natural Herbal Products (Ultra Pile Care) into the market, over 3921+ people in Africa have been able to treat their piles, control their bowel movement, strengthen the veins, and be free totally from all types of rectal problems.


Ultra Pile Care is made up of 3 major ingredients  (Triphala Powder, Thuthi leave & Terminalia Chebula) for shrinking pile and acts as wound healing booster around the anal region.


  • Triphala Powder: Triphala is a herbal concoction that consists of three medicinal plants native to India used as treatment for common ailments fatigue, oxidative stress, and anal disorders.



It is a powerful detoxifier used as a healing remedy since ancient times and is one of the world’s oldest medical systems that originated in India to promote longevity and overall health.


Triphala is used to treat anal fissures, to prevent disease, and to treat a number of symptoms, including constipation and inflammation. The powder softens faeces and it contains antioxidants that perform protective functions in the body.


It is important to note that scientific evidence have shown that triphala powder is high in gallic acid and ellagic acid, two phytochemicals that have beneficial effects on blood vessels around the anus, fibre sensitivity and reduces tissue inflammation or other rectal disorders and helps prevent PILE/hemorrhoids by removing constipation.


  • Thuthi Leaves:Thuthi leaves are heart-shaped leaves with sharp ends and small yellow flowers known to have enormous medicinal values. Every part of the plant is beneficial for human health: be it the flower, stem, seeds, fruits, leaves or roots. 

The leaves help in treating bleeding piles or PILE/hemorrhoids and even fistula, it has proven to be a great remedy for piles.

The extracts are laxatives that aid passing stools easier, reduce pain from piles, thus, great for people with constipation problems. They help in increasing semen and sperm motility in men suffering from infertility, low sex drive and also good tonic for strengthening nerves.

A team of all medical experts at Institute of Paramedical Science & Management, (New Delhi) performed a randomized controlled trial in 2018 demonstrating improvement in inflammation and rectal bleeding symptoms

with thuthi leaves extract. 87% of thuthi leaves users reported improvement with their renal failures.

In ayurvedic medicine, thuthi leave is joint most nominated plant for reversing rectal disorder, offers lasting solution to hemorrhoid and treats digestive issues which made it our top pick in formulating Ultra Pile Care.

Terminalia Chebula: Chebula is a species of Terminalia, native to South Asia from India, Nepal, China, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, and Vietnam.

Terminalia Chebula is called the “king of medicines” and was first listed in Ayurvedic medicine because of its extraordinary powers of healing.

Its an antibacterial, antimicrobial, antipruritic, and tissue healing booster, reducing itching, burning, and irritation around the anal region. It helps in the healing of tears produced by firm stools passing.

Modern science has found that Terminalia Chebula has a strong effect against the herpes simplex virus HSV responsible for fibre deficiency in pile patients. Terminalia has strong antibacterial activity, and exhibits strong cardio tonic properties for hemorrhoid patients.

Terminalia Chebula can be seen to be a valuable addition to anyone’s herbal collection. With its rejuvenating and cleansing properties, It is excellent for the digestive system. In Persian Medicine (PM), Terminalia Chebula Retz is considered one of the best choices for the treatment of hemorrhoids.

A research paper titled European Journal of Integrative Medicine 2019 affirms that T. Chebula is effective on hemorrhoids and potentially a supplement for the treatment of hemorrhoids.

A blend of these three ingredients is shown to significantly improve bowel movement in people with PILE/hemorrhoids and strengthen the tissues to keep you

strong and healthy. It is with careful study that these three ingredients were selected for the manufacturing of ultra pile care.

Ultra Pile Care is a truly unique formula that floods your body with natural, enhancing nutrients that can boost excretory performance and energy…and even burn fat from your belly.

However, results are expected anytime from the duration of 7 weeks daily usage depending on the quality of your immune system.

The carefully selected nutrients inside Ultra Pile Care can help your body support optimal health and make you feel like a rejuvenated, younger version of yourself. When you have the best possible synergistic combination of nutrients for enhancing the male body, you can reclaim your youthful vigor and accelerate your reproduction course no matter your age…

Start your journey to totally escape from the pains of PILE/hemorrhoids by taking advantage of this one time offer of our 100% natural nutrient with a non-addictive powerful solution to battle PILE/hemorrhoids completely by clicking the button below to place an order today!!


What Does The Ultra Pile Chrusher Powder work For?
  • Fast and Long Lasting Relief: Ultra Pile Crusing Powder helps repair from the inside out, targeting stubborn PILE/hemorrhoids with a formula that works. Potent herbal ingredients help provide long-term comfort and relief. Suitable for internal and external PILE/hemorrhoids and backed by research.
  • Power-Packed Formula: Contains clinically-researched ingredients for effective PILE/hemorrhoid relief. Our potent blend includes Diosmin, Hesperidin, Blond Psyllium Husks, and Horse Chestnut extract that can help calm irritation and itching while promoting healthy tissue.
  • Helps Reduce Straining: PILE/Hemorrhoids are often caused by straining due to constipation or loose bowel movements, that’s why Ultra Pile Crushing Powder helps normalize your digestion & bowel movements, while supporting normal stool formation.
  • Natural and Safe: Ultra Pile Crushing Powder all-natural, vegan-friendly ingredients provide reliable relief from internal and external PILE/hemorrhoids. Safe to use with hemorrhoid pillows, PILE/hemorrhoid cushion treatments, PILE/hemorrhoid wipes, PILE/hemorrhoid suppositories, and hemorrhoid creams. Made in the USA at a FDA-registered facility, ensuring quality and safety.
here are testimonials that prove that this treatment works...

Works Fast


This is the first product that actually helped with the problem IN so many years of suffering from pile badly and had used so so many products that were not working until i used this Ultra pile care which completely healed me of the nightmare in less than 3weeks of usage . i fully recommend this product .Will buy again.

It Actually Worked


I was totally skeptical because a lot of products i used weren’t working for me or the people i knew that had similar pile challenges, but i took the step of faith to use this product and this product was totally different,it worked for me and i also recommended to the people i knew was suffering from same pile,they used the Ultra pile care and it amazingly worked for everyone of them also ,they are completely healed from pile , it actually worked in 12 days.

Worked For Me


Worked quickly when took the recommended high load dose. Contains physlium fiber as well. More effective than other products I have tried with similar ingredients. Also has a larger range of ingredients than others…


Mr. Femi

Fantastic Product


I have MS and I am wheelchair-bound hence why I have such bad PILE/haemorrhoids, they were bleeding unbelievably and I was at my wits end till I tried this product and it has worked fantastically, there is no more heavy bleeding sometimes there’s a little bit on the toilet paper but very faint so I recommend this product for anyone whom has the same problem with PILE/haemorrhoids, fantastic product!!!!!




Select Your Package Below…

partial treatment

1 Bottle


Normal PRICE = N50,000

Free natiowide delivery

payment on delivery nationwide

30 days guarantee

PARTIAL treatment

BUY 2 bottles,
24 days treatment
WITH 1 ultra pile express POWDER


Normal PRICE = N75,000

Free natiowide delivery

payment on delivery nationwide

Guranteed to begin to see result from first 3 days of usage

COMPLETE treatment



Normal PRICE = N95,000

Free natiowide delivery

payment on delivery nationwide

Guranteed to begin to see result from first 3 days of usage

For me I did the complete treatment and i was completely set free of pile permanently


 I urge you to go for this two month treatment to complete the dosage and get the required results fast.

They offer free shipping plus Payment on delivery wherever you are in Nigeria

Now, I’m sure you will be asking yourself “What if I buy this 2 month treatment and it does not work? Will they scam me?

I understand how you feel, in fact, I felt the same way too the day this product was introduced to me but I gave it the benefit of the doubt and today, pile is past tense  and I have peace of mind.


Become Completely Free 


Or get all your money back.

Use this ultra pile Care for 30 days and if you don’t see any improvement…

Kindly reach out to us to get a full refund–no question asked.

So go ahead and fill the form below to order now.

But This Will Not Last Forever.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Yesterday I contacted the seller to tell him that I want to do a testimonial write-up for him, and he informed me that there are just 56 pieces remaining…

So at the time of this writing, we have just 56 pieces remaining. 

Every minute you delay may mean another serious *Patient* who wants to totally get rid of pile is picking your own…

I wouldn’t want to tell you to hurry, but if you are dead serious about getting rid of pile , then you should have already placed the order by now.

. Therefore if you are that person I am talking about, quickly fill the form below for fast delivery.

Once the form is filled and submitted, you will receive a call from their assistant, to confirm the order. If you are are in Lagos, you will get your the next day but if you are outside Lagos, expect your treatment in 3-5 working days

  1. If you are not financially ready, don’t bother to order

  2. if you know you are not serious please don’t bother to order

  3. if you know you are traveling please don’t bother to order

  4. if you know you won’t be around in the next 48 hrs for delivery please don’t order.

Some people will place an order and when the dispatcher calls them the same person that order will give an excuse of how he thought i was joking.

Some order and when the delivery agent calls to deliver, they give excuses, which is really unfair. In as much you are not being charged for delivery… delivery is free and you pay when you see what you ordered for

I still want the whole world to know about my unique, life-changing discovery and testimony. So that is why I am pleading with you to only order if you are ready to receive your order within the estimated days ( maximum 2 days–48hrs) and you should please keep the money for the product.


I think I have satisfied my conscience by revealing my secret of what worked for me. The ball is now in your court. I know you are spending thousands of Naira on SURGERY  that is not working. The doctors are getting rich off your problem, why not just close your eyes and go for the 2 month treatment and be the next mother to share your testimony.

What if I never took action when I saw this ULTRA PILE CURE? 

Maybe by now, I would have still been going through the inconvenience and pain and even gotten worst.

Maybe my family would have abandoned me to die alone from this pain as they would have been tired already

Maybe I would have been gone, 

…..but I thank God I took action and today I am completely free and healed Nothing gives me more joy than that.

I am blessed and I am sure this will be your portion




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